Hello, Myself

Pallab Dandapat

And I'm a

Welcome to my digital world! I'm Pallab Dandapat, a Frontend Developer dedicated to turning ideas into captivating web experiences. Turning ideas into captivating web experiences. Bringing brands to life with stunning websites. Download CV

About Me

Frontend Developer!

I'm the creative mind behind the screen, driven by a passion for crafting exceptional web interfaces. With several years of experience, I've honed my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create seamless and visually captivating websites. I thrive on turning complex concepts into user-friendly designs, ensuring every project leaves a lasting impression. Beyond coding, I'm an avid learner, always exploring the latest trends in web development to deliver modern, responsive, and accessible solutions. Let's collaborate and bring your digital vision to life. Read more

MY Services

Web Development

Crafting digital dreams with cutting-edge web solutions. Elevate your online presence with our pixel-perfect websites.

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Graphic Designing

Transforming ideas into captivating visuals. Our artistic touch brings life to your brand, making it visually appealing.

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Weaving cinematic magic from raw footage. Transforming moments into unforgettable narratives.

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Latest Project

Fitness Website

Crafting a dynamic fitness haven: A vibrant, functional website to elevate your fitness journey.

Dramkit site

Dive into drama with DramKit. Discover inspiration, script your story, and unleash your inner thespian!


Embark on a digital journey where design meets functionality. Stay tuned for our innovative and exquisite website unveiling limitless possibilities.

Contact Me!

Feel free to reach out to me! You can contact me by filling out the form below or sending an email to    pallab13nayagram@gmail.com
I'm open to collaboration and would love to discuss your project ideas or answer any questions you may have.